This moment, right now, I want to freeze it
It is a holiday. A bright sunny afternoon without noise and I am on my personal computer, looking at all the old files and photos, looking outside from time to time because I have no pressure to complete anything today. There is nothing that needs my attention and I have to pay attention to whether I like it or not. The peace, letting my mind wander around, soak into this moment is what I want to do and continue to do for a long time. If there was a way to freeze a moment, then this would be the moment I would stop.
We see a lot of jokes and reels on the internet about how weekends just pass so fast that we end up seeing Monday too soon, we end up dying too soon. It’s not a joke, it is a sad truth.
I was thinking about the things I would do if I had a billion dollars, but this is one of those things that requires no billions. Just a moment of peace and freedom for my mind to think whatever it pleases. This is something I would put into that list.
I know we can’t just freeze a moment, but perhaps early retirement is all about this, buying more time to enjoy life. They say you get few years to just relax in life after retirement, and young people want to retire early so they can see that sooner. Chill at the beach, relax in the afternoon, play with friends and travel till they’ve seen it all. I think it makes sense.
This is the kind of thing I would usually write into my diary, but I don’t mind sharing it with you anymore. That’s what Expressing Silence is all about. Tell me if you’ve got something to say.